3 Daily Measures Every High Performer Uses


Get more done,
have a better experience in the workplace, and become a high performer
with these 3 measures.


Nearly everyone I work with is straining under a huge workload. Too much work, not enough time in the day.


  • You’re busy working all day and you leave feeling like you haven’t made any progress.
  • Frustrated by miscommunication, you waste time on rework.
  • Difficult co-workers make life unmanageable.


All workplace qualities that may push your buttons from time to time, cause you stress, and keep you at work longer.


But high performers do things differently.


So maybe it’s time to try a new tack. In this week’s TheMuse.com column, I share 3 qualities that will make you more efficient in your work day and turn you into a high performer.


How so?


Well, if you use the three daily measures I discuss, you’ll get more done, in less time, and have a better experience in the workplace. Check it out here, and let me know what you think.


When you do adopt the practices of high performers, you’re building a solid Career Strategy.


Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

– Francis of Assisi


3 Daily Measures Every High Performer Uses


Image: https://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/

Updated September 2019

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