3 Ways to Create Meaning at a Job You Hate

45537740 - tired creative editor holding disposable cup while sleeping on office desk

I’ve written before about my disdain for the idea that work can only be satisfying if it’s your total passion.


I agree that passion for work can be satisfying.


But I fear it sets so many of us up for total frustration (and disappointment) when the work you do is anything less than that. At the end of the day, sometimes you need to pay the rent, the mortgage, or the student loan debt. And a job is a means to those ends.


Maybe you’re in a job that sucks more than you’d like or you absolutely hate your job. It’s hard to find any sense of purpose or meaning in it. But I suggest you could. In this Daily Muse column I share three unique ways you can do that. They include:


1. Know Your Why

2. Express Your Human Goodness

3. Connect the Dots


And no, I’m not talking about plastering a smile on your face, and faking it until you make it.


Take a look and let me know what you think. Then I’d appreciate knowing what makes a difference for you. Drop a line, and let me know!










Image: 123rf

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