3 Workplace Acronyms You Should Be Using

3 workplace acronyms

Wow, I saved a ‘ton’ of time with those acronyms.”

– Stephen Colbert


You probably use acronyms all the time when you’re texting, as Mr. Colbert kindly points out in this week’s quote.


GREAT acronymAs with many things, some acronyms are more useful than others.


For example, the graphic to the right.


There’s also ACT (Action Changes Things), HOPE (Hanging On To Positive Expectations) or STAR (Show Thankfulness Appreciation Respect).


These are nice tagline-type phrases that are great reminders about how we can show up in the world.


Interestingly, I’ve also found acronyms to help solve problems in the workplace.


In this week’s The Muse column I share three acronyms I have found handy throughout my career.


One is about efficiency, one is about solving problems, and one serves the decision making process. I don’t know about you, but I find simple, repeatable processes that I can use to breakdown tasks or order my thinking, really help.


Check out this week’s post and see how you can use these three acronyms in your workplace. Then send me an email and let me know how it works!


When you find simple, repeatable processes to get work done, you’re building lasting Career Strategies.



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