4 Ways to Handle a Condescending Co-Worker

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Don’t let other people bring you down. At work. Or anywhere. . Recently, a marketing firm called to solicit my business. They wanted me to sign up for their services, which included an online forum to produce and market classes based on my content. The young marketing rep was explaining all the features and benefits… Continue reading 4 Ways to Handle a Condescending Co-Worker

Get a Raise Before Your Annual Review (Without Getting Laughed At)

Sure, you might think you need to sit and wait for the “annual review” to talk about a raise. But there’s really no hard and fast rule about that. It’s in your best interest to know the situations that are exceptions, and how to make them most of them. .. .Get all the details published… Continue reading Get a Raise Before Your Annual Review (Without Getting Laughed At)

The Hard Conversation When You’re Fired or Laid Off

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You may be tempted to react emotionally, but this is an important business conversation for which you need to be wholly present. . Published on The Muse here! . One of the most shocking conversations you will ever have in your job is when your boss tells you that you’re done working for the company.… Continue reading The Hard Conversation When You’re Fired or Laid Off

These 3 Strategies Turn Interviews into Offers

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Is This the Reason You Keep Getting Interviews That Don’t Turn Into Offers? . Published on The Muse . Jackson was a newly minted grad with software engineering skills in his first job search. He was getting tons of interest from the right kind of employers, but it wasn’t leading anywhere. Frustrated that he wasn’t… Continue reading These 3 Strategies Turn Interviews into Offers

8 Steps to Bouncing Back After Getting Fired

Getting fired is the worst! Even if you were struggling in your position or were increasingly unhappy, losing your job suddenly can feel like failure personified. And the process of involuntarily being forced to leave your position can swirl you into a blizzard of emotion: embarrassment, shame, worthlessness, self-pity, and depression. . Your identity is… Continue reading 8 Steps to Bouncing Back After Getting Fired