What 2 fears were you born with?

It’s fun to see all the activity around Halloween; it’s practically a national holiday in the U.S.


For many people I run across, though, scary things aren’t limited to the October holiday. They are a regular occurrence in the job.


Frightful bosses. Difficult conversations. Intimidating situations.

You name it, I’ve seen people struggle with these issues, and then become overwhelmed at the thought of dealing with them.


I’ve also found that once we figure out of a plan to approach these situations, it’s a much more constructive way to resolve the situation. It’s just that when you’re in a state of fear, many of your logical planning mechanisms don’t perform as well.


For right now, see how you can overcome fears at work (and in life) by using the scientifically proven method I share in this week’s column on TheMuse.com column.


I discovered that we’re all born with only 2 fears.

All the other fears – the ones that hold us back in work, relationships, and businesses – all of those are fears we learn.


Find out what those 2 fears are, and how to overcome the other ones, in this column in TheMuse.com.



Then, think about what the fear is that’s holding you back, and what you can do to over come it. (Call me if you need help!)


When you identify your fear, and do something about it, you’re getting a great career strategy.


Image: https://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/

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